Renato Athaydes Personal Website

Sharing knowledge for a better world


I am Renato Athaydes.

This is my personal website.

It was created using only HTML/CSS and Magnanimous, a static website generator that I wrote myself.

Here you’ll find blog posts I wrote and links to some of my programming side projects.

Blog posts

RSS Feed:RSS Feed Icon

Most recent blog posts:

Most popular, or just my own favourite, blog posts:

Click here to see the full list of blog posts I have written, including those in other websites.

Side Projects

Here is a list of my favourite side-projects.

I use side-projects to try new things, learn technologies in depth, create useful things I actually need!!! And, to be frank, because I love writing software, even in my spare time when I get a chance!

Please visit my GitHub repositories for a full list.

Spock Reports
Spock Framework extension that creates configurable test reports.
Operating systems: Windows, OSX, Linux
Groovy Test Report Generator
Desktop app to navigate very large log files. Written with JavaFX.
Operating systems: Windows, OSX, Linux
Java Kotlin Log Viewer
CLI app to encrypt and store secret information (e.g. passwords) safely.
Operating systems: Windows, OSX, Linux
Go Password Manager
Low-level library to work with HTTP.
Operating systems: Windows, OSX, Linux
Java Networking
JavaFX and Swing User Interface Test and Automation Library.
Operating systems: Windows, OSX, Linux
Groovy UI Test Library
A statically-typed, concatenative, procedural Programming Language based on Web Assembly.
Operating systems: WASM
Dart WebAssembly Programming Language
Build tool inspired by Gradle, but written in Dart.
Operating systems: Windows, OSX, Linux
Dart Build Tool
Static website generator that implements its own templating language.
Operating systems: Windows, OSX, Linux
Go Static Website Generator
CLI to run Java sources directly with minimal startup latency. Uses a Rust client and a Java local server to minimize latency.
Operating systems: Windows, OSX, Linux
Java Rust Java Source Runner
Application framework based on OSGi. Includes a modular CLI that can be used as a polyglot REPL for several languages and supports plugins that can be dynamically loaded.
Operating systems: Windows, OSX, Linux
Java Groovy Scala Clojure Frege JavaScript Application Framework
Parser combinator for Ceylon.
Operating systems: Windows, OSX, Linux
Ceylon Parser Combinator